I don't know who might actually read this, but whatevs.
So after a really long hiatus...I've finally decided to start writing music again.
I had to take a bit of time to find myself, and I'm not sure if I've completely succeeded so far, but what I have discovered is that I need to write music. I want to write music...hopefully I can get better as I practice.
What I need from you, though...is some advice on where to go to get some jampacks for garageband 08. I've looked all over and all I can find are the official apple $99 ones, and for that price I might as well just go all the way & buy Logic. Of course, I don't have that money to spend right now but yeah. Point has been made.
So let me know what you use, have used, etc. Or a good idea for a better way to write music on a mac that won't clean me out.